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About this course:
What covers enhance a First Day cover exhibit?
Charles J. O’Brien III, the winner of 93 large gold and gold medals for his exceptional First Day Cover exhibits can recommend the types of material to include in a philatelic exhibit of first day covers and much more!
There are many approaches that one can take when preparing to exhibit First Day Covers. The methodology used and the story told have much to do with how an exhibit is rated by judges. An exhibitor who is knowledgeable about judging criteria, topic selection, organization, outline construction, and exhibit production is well-equipped to design an award-winning exhibit.
During this two-session course, learn from an accomplished, master FDC exhibitor. Don’t miss this opportunity to enhance and expand your exhibiting expertise.
Cost: $15 for APS Members/$30 for Non-Members
Instructor: Charles J. O'Brien III