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Course Description:
Did you know that the Machin series is made up of thousands of varieties?
Discover the many factors that contribute to the 7000+ varieties that make-up the Machin series; value, color, phosphor/fluor, paper, perforations and printing processes. Deepen your understanding of origins and artistic design. Explore the technical aspects of these stamps that allow their interaction with automated facing and sorting equipment, including the technical complexity of the Non-Value-Indicating (NVI) printings.
Session 1 (session recording 54 minutes)
- Introduction to the Machin series
- The evolution of the Machin stamp design
- The artistic elements of the Machin stamp
- Catalog approaches: Scott, Stanley Gibbons, Deegam
- Collecting/Displaying levels
- The album page challenge
Session 2 (session recording 66 minutes)
- Process & Appearance
- Printing Methods - Intaglio, Photogravure, Lithography, Digital Gravure
- Phosphor & Fluor - Types, Band Configurations, Errors
Session 3 (session recording 66 minutes)
- The origins of paper variety
- Paper-gum combinations
- Perforation
- Non-Value Indicated Printings
Instructor: Steve McGill
Included: 3 recordings totalling more than 3 hours of content and course handouts
This course was recorded during 2021 Summer Seminar Online