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Course Description:
The stamps and covers in your collection have stories to share. Reveal their tales in your next exhibit.
Let’s start at the very beginning, the basics for putting together a competitive philatelic exhibit. Define subject & scope. Identify material. Establish a story line with a beginning, middle and end. Design and layout pages. Prepare a title page and synopsis.
Master the steps for preparing an exhibit. Discern the process for entering an exhibit into competition. Use jury feedback sessions, judges’ evaluation forms and “at frame” critiques to enhance the stories that your stamps and covers have to tell.
Session 1 (67 minute video)
- What's required to be an exhibitor? - material, knowledge, time, money
- A brief history of philatelic exhibiting
- Reasons to exhibit
- Ways to get started
Session 2 (67 minute video)
- Putting an exhibit together
- Consider the audience
- The Basics - pages, text, software, mounts
- Key Elements - Title Page, Choosing & Displaying Material, Conclusion
Session 3 (71 minutes)
- Choosing and entering a show
- Judging Criteria
- Obtaining feedback and improving your exhibit
Instructor: Ken Martin
This course was recorded during the 2021 Summer Seminar Online virtual learning event